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平裝: 225頁
出版社: Springer (2004 第1版)
語言: English
ISBN-10: 3211408630
ISBN-13: 9783211408636
The historical center of Vienna was named a UNESCO World Heritage landmark in December 2001. The criteria for this selection were the variety and quality of the architecture and urban construction in Vienna, which comprises the middle ages, the Baroque period, the end of the eighteenth century and the beginnings of Modernism. These styles still characterize the city today. Manfred Wehdorn’s city guide takes the visitor on a tour of historical Viennese streets and squares, but also to hidden locations in Viennese courtyards. Vienna’s history comes to life as the connections between the buildings and palaces and their builders, architects and inhabitants are revealed. The city guide is a systematic compendium containing fifty city maps to make orientation within the city and locating the individual sights easier.