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by Hans Ibelings, Madeleine Maaskant, Jos Bosman, Giampiero Sanguigni
Hardcover裝: 296頁
出版社: NAi Publishers (2008 第1版)
語言: English
ISBN-10: 9056626620
ISBN-13: 9789056626624
Based in Eindhoven, in the southern Netherlands, diederendirrix architects, run by Paul Diederen and Bert Dirrix, has worked on the transformation of large industrial buildings, collaborated on sports- and theater- building projects and studied unusual residential typologies in urban areas. This volume presents a comprehensive overview of the partners' work of the past decade. Architecture critic Hans Ibelings outlines the office's unorthodox approach to the design process: two teams work alongside each other on separate projects, maintaining the flexibility to join forces midstream. Diederen and Dirrix's individual bodies of work--which contain fascinating parallels--are examined in a series of essays, and each partner voices his take on the state of contemporary architecture and culture in general.