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Premio biennale Internazionale -9788885980679 絕版英文設計書 [建築人設計人的店-上博圖書] 描述



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Hardcover裝: 148頁

出版社: THE PLAN (2013 第1版)

語言: Italian, English

ISBN-10: 8885980678

ISBN-13: 9788885980679


The book of the sixth edition of the International Biennial Barbara Capocchin Architecture Prize brings together all projects that competed for the Prize, which is articulated in three different sections (International Prize, Giancarlo Ius Gold Medal, Provincial Prize). More than 300 projects, all completed in the last three years, were submitted, with a large entry from all over the world. The winning works are illustrated through a description accompanied with photos and drawings, while those that received an honourable mention are presented through a series of photos on two pages. All remaining projects appear in a dedicated section with their image and main identifying data.

The book also includes the introductions by some institutional figures and Renzo Piano, along with the presentation of his project for the Architecture Table used to display the works selected by the International Jury to the public.

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